Friday, January 27, 2012

Book Review -:- Douglas Kent's Complete Shibari Vol 2: Sky

If you haven't read my review on the first of this series It will help to do so before reading this one. For pretty much the same reason you should start with volume 1 in any series, CS vol 2 doesn't review any of the information it covers in the first book.

It even states in a couple places that the lessons it covered in CS: Land, are NOT repeated in volume 2. From what I've absorbed from the books this isn't an exaggeration.

Vol 1 spent about 17-18 pages on safeties, ties, communications, expectations, etc. Volume 2 spends 31 pages covering safety, communication, understand risks, explaining what you need to do suspensions as safely as possible, what precautions to take to reduce risks, and the simple fact that some Shibari Experts go their whole career without doing even one suspension because of the associated risks.

The next 11 pages cover ties, harnesses, and lifts used in suspension shibari, much like the section covering knots in the first volume this is stuff for you to get comfortable with well enough to incorporate into any of your work later.

The rest of the 95 page book (all 40 pages I think at this point), goes over different styles of suspension, face up, face down, leg lifting, limb suspension, etc. While some positions offer "easy access" as it were, the book warns that suspension shibari shouldn't last long enough for an effective romp, and that 10-15 minutes max, is well, the max. Of course, everyone is built a little differently, and discretion is at the hands of the Top and Bottom involved - so long as they're communicating effectively and have relatively swift ways of ending the scene if any pain or cut off circulation occurs.

Also, while it's pointed out in the book itself, I feel the need to point out that most of the "Art" photos in the book were taken using very small VERY flexible life-long gymnast type women. Touching the back of one's head with the sole of one's own foot is NOT something everyone can do - no matter how in shape they may be.

Complete Shibari

Book Review -:- Douglas Kent's Complete Shibari Vol 1: Land

I purchased 4 bondage books (and one book that's not exactly about bondage) from a list that Master put together. I've since received four of the five, and figured, hey - why not write about 'em.

Especially since they really struck a good chord with me just from reading the first few pages.

The first 17 pages of Complete Shibari Vol 1 are focused on safety. Picking the correct rope for the right rigs, understanding the limitations of both the person doing the tying, and the person being tied. It's emphasizes safety and communication above all things. Pressure points, and locations where weight and tension should be avoided whenever possible are illustrated. Responsibilities of the Top and the Bottom are covered as well, an added benefit for people unsure what they should or shouldn't point out.

The next few pages cover some basics concerning knots, and the legend key used for the rest of the book. There's also excerpts of real life situations (positive and negative) that have occurred while in the midst of shibari demonstrations and such. There's an emphasis on keeping a positive attitude, and understanding that while precautions can and should be taken not all injuries are 100% avoidable.

One in particular made me chuckle a little when I read it:
"During a Shibaricon class, Dov tied Terri in a hogtie and had her kneeling so the class could see. She fell forward.
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, sir. Floor hurt me."(Land 15)"

It illustrates that mistakes happen even with the best of us, and a nice calm way to handle said mishaps as well.

Half the book covers safety, knots, basic ties and frictions, and helps you to get familiar with what the back half of the book covers - Harnesses, positions, origins of some Shibari poses, and different ways you can do them to add your own flair. It's only 95 pages long, but there's a lot of information packed into the full color, well illustrated and plainly written book.

For people who've been tying other people up for years you're probably not going to get much out of this at all, but for anyone who's struggling with where to start, this book is awesome. It's really good for people just starting in bdsm in general as well. It's not a relationship guide, but the pointers, tips, and information applies in a lot of situations, not just rope scenes. (i.e. having water, blankets and pillows handy for post-scene cuddles!)

I honestly didn't realize I had so much to say about the one book on it's own! I'll review the others later, but for now, sleep ^_^

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I got a few books in the mail today. I'm going to cover at least two of them in a later post (after a break for some more in-depth reading), but flipping through them, and specifically reading the parts about safety, my mind started to wander.

I began to think about my initial concept of BDSM, how there were parts that were confusing to me, awkward, and just plain weird. I had an interest in the rope part of it, of being bound and controlled as much as I could trust someone to control me. The only concept of sub and Dom that I had any understanding of was a full-time one. The concept of scenes, equality outside said scenes, and even safewords weren't things I knew about. I believed that the pain had to be endured as a pay off to the inevitable orgasm.

Because of the taboo-ness of the subject and the overall "Woman power!" vibe that runs in my family, I was afraid to even admit I had these curiosities, nevermind actually getting books to look into them and learn more. I picked up bits and pieces of information as the internet became more mainstream (yes, I had my curiosity even before Teh Net!), and had a hard time separating fantasy from truth. After a few years I'd decided doms in general scared the shit out of me, but males less so than females.

About three or four, or five years ago I pretty much figured that bdsm was, itself, going to be nothing more than fantasy in my life and I should accept that and move on. The desire was there, so was the curiosity, and the ability to get incredibly horny just watching kink videos. But none of it was going to happen to me, so I didn't need to read into it anymore than I already had.

Of course, all that changed when I met my Master. I learned more about the concepts and lifestyles of a BDSM relationship. The variables, the many layers to it, the outside conceptions vs. the intimate conceptions. The differences between hurt and harm, between abuse and bdsm, between scenes and relationships. I learned more, and became more enamored with the concept of it all, in 2 weeks of conversation vs. YEARS of assumptions and theories.

I'm still learning, hell, I'll probably still be learning years from now. Honestly? That's one of the best parts in my opinion. The mind should never stop learning, growing, absorbing, theory crafting, debating, etc. Vanilla love is pretty simple - tab c into slot p to put it simply. There's nothing wrong with it either, it can be spontaneous, powerful, full of trust and love, just as much as a bdsm relationship can. There's just not as much variety. I've never walked into a vanilla house and noticed bolts on the ottoman, or bondage rings hiding as "decorations" on book shelves.

Even with some of the scenes I've experienced, the raw emotions, the "degrading" dirty talk, the mush-mind orgasms, I have to say, bdsm stimulates me more intellectually than any relationship I've ever had prior. The inventiveness of it, the fact that I don't have to hide all the devious twists and turns in my mind, it's stimulating, invigorating, freeing, and above all, it's beautiful. Being able to completely be myself, and STILL be accepted, being able to trust completely and relax under someone else's control, it overwhelms me sometimes and I cry. You know, those really heavy happy tears that still make people worry anyway XD

Want to understand BDSM a little better, while still getting to see some gratuitous bondage and smexiness? Check out This DA page. You won't be disappointed.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Too Big

Last night I realized that my bed is too big. Now on the one hand, it's big enough for two people to sleep on it in relative comfort, there's not enough room to have a lot of space between you and someone else, but too much space is kinda my problem. (in more ways than one)

Another issue about my bed that I stumbled across last night was the fact that while I can stretch my legs out fairly well, I can't get my heels to reach both side of the bed at the same time. Just one of 'em with like, and inch to go with the other. A little engineering with the sheets and I can get my legs to stay open, but it puts some strain on my hand to keep tension on the sheets.

I bring all this up because last night I had the most delightful fantasy and it would've been so much more delightful if I'da had a slightly smaller bed. I've got a great imagination, but when I'm picturing being bound in front of a group of people, teased by my Master, legs spread wide so any interested person could watch in vivid detail when I finally came loud and soaking, it helps to not actually be able to close my legs.

They do that though, the one hooked in the sheets fought my hand the whole time. Like my legs are part of some anti-separation movement or something. I think it's a large part of why I have so many fantasies of having my legs tied open wide, because that's not the way they like to go on their own. Granted any kind of tied up, so long as it's at the mercy of my Master, is awesome. I know he'd never bind me in such a way that it would hurt or cause damage. I can't even guarantee that I could tie myself up without creating some kind of issue. I'd probably use the wrong knots, or tie too tightly, or too loosely to be effective.

Thinking about it though, my fantasies are starting to have a disturbing number of "other" people in them. Or video cameras... Honestly, I'm blaming it on Master, for better or worse. <3

Thursday, January 19, 2012


A few things I plan to work on relatively soon:

Rope's End - A short story that could become something more about a vanilla couple trying to hide their sex lives from a bdsm-centric society. (This one should be tricky, but I thought the switch in perspective would be fun to figure out).

S & M - A fantasy setting story between two elves, a practitioner of the holy arts and one of the dark. Their own oddities and shortcomings bring them together, their shared love of bdsm keeps it that way. Snow is an albino elf with a love of books and not much understanding past them, who stumbles upon a wizard in his well guarded tower only to fall into trap - and quickly learn that the concepts of right and wrong are far blurrier than she originally thought.

A Walk in the Park - a short story (like the Tape or the Drive), something Master wants me to work on soon. The title pretty much explains it, I think. I'd probably be writing that now instead of this little to do list reminder, but I've had wine. Wine doesn't equal creative writing so well for me.

Combinations - Things from practical to absurd you could mix in with bdsm with interesting (or disastrous) results. What can I say, my mind wanders to all sorts of things.

Cartoon Hijinks! - I've noticed - probably because I'm horribly twisted and sick in the head - that there's a lot of bdsm practices and themes in little kids cartoons. Either the creators are having a laugh at everyone's expense, or I've got some serious issues to sort out.

Jump Rope - A lighthearted look at a bdsm relationship. Much humor and some slightly farfetched stuff. Was originally going to do this as a comic, but 1 - I'm not big on drawing, and 2 - I think it'll work just as well as a series of snippets and short stories.

So that's what I have planned, not counting anything that comes up out of the blue. However, wine + 3am is seemingly equal to sleep, so that's where I'm going. ^_^

Saturday, January 14, 2012

List 4 of Many

Okay, so this is most assuredly as a nerdy, geeky, gamer, whatever kind of person you prefer to be called, kind of post. Cause this is:

(drum roll)

Spells That Could Be Bad If They Were Real!

Animate Rope - Now, in the hands of a tried and practiced dom/partner/kidnapper this spell would be kinda awesome. Unfortunately the first thing that came to my mind was someone who didn't understand how certain body parts moved getting hold of this spell. Pulled muscles, sprained joints, and possibly much worse could ensue. Accidental strangulation, etc. There's just not a lot of safety when you're controlling something without having to really learn how to apply it properly.
It just strikes me as too much temptation and not enough safety. (Though, I can't help but imagine Master with this.. spell... mm... *ahem* Moving on.)

Shock - Much with Animate Rope it's lack of control that concerns me here. Someone capable of controlling the strength of the shock would be able to do deliciously evil things to the person under their control. A skilled dom could make their sub just wriggle and writhe most wonderfully - someone who didn't know what they were doing could end up defibrilllating their pet. And defibrilation when you're heart's still going is very VERY bad.

Create Water - I see two outcomes here: Either some very nice, very wet water bondage in all various forms and glory or

Mend - Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes. (Please can we play a different game now?)

Arcane Lock - For collars, cuffs, bindings, body stockings, etc. Should work beautifully until something happens to the only person who can unlock it. Not a bad idea if say, all people involved can release whatever's locked with the spell, but as Master's pointed out - if I can't get out of something on my own it's not safe, cause you never know what can happen. (*cough*Gerald'sGame*cough*)

Sphere of Darkness - Blindfolds are one thing. Complete and total darkness from which there is no escape? That's something else entirely. If you're in a situation where you have a safe word to use, this would be fantastic <3 Especially if the person who cast it could see perfectly well within it. It'd be like Silence of the Lambs - only sexy and awesome. Otherwise it's just Silence of the Lambs and you're going to die. Not as awesome.

Polymorph - Brilliant for people who like to dress as cats, dogs, horses, etc. Disturbing for people who want to have sex with sheeps and pigs.

Summon Succubus - Thank you WoW for putting this in my mind. But no, just no. I don't care if you've got the best most ironclad control over the little slut to the point where she wouldn't even just randomly smack her ass. This would be dangerous. (and they're like femdoms... and those scare me...)

Levitate - This spell would be awesome. Weightless sex allowing for movement on all axises. Fannnnntastic <3 Probably feels really really good until you lose track of time because you're lost in all the wonder and pleasure and beauty of love making and the spell wears off.

Arcane Hand - I don't know about anyone else, but my Master does NOT need more hands.  Ever.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mind Fuckery

I'm pretty sure my Master has a PhD. in Mind Fuckery. Before I go on my little rant/rave/whatever let me preface it all by saying this:

Best. Degree. Ever.

Okay, so now that we understand I love it, let's move on shall we? The conversation starts with "Well, that *WAS* the plan." (key word highlighted by me, you're welcome). And my reaction was pretty standard well, if that was the plan, I'd love it to continue being the plan, so I will volunteer to help the plan happen!

In this case the plan being buy books on rope work so as to spend some absolutely blissful time learning knots and ropework and me just generally getting to be bound. Awesome. Delicious.

Devious rat Master.

So I volunteer - I'll happily go by said books. "So glad you volunteered, pet." and then he proceeds to explain they'll be instructions. Oh... goody. For... for in public. Yeah, cause this doesn't make me nervous at all...

So for a couple days I'm pretty thoroughly convinced that I'm going to making a trip to my favorite book store stuffed full of vibrating toys trying desperately to both NOT cum, and not let any one within ear shot hear the vibes. It's not that I wouldn't do it - I had no intention of popping off with my safety word and calling the whole thing off. But... without Master actually -there-, well, eh. I wasn't looking forward to it, we'll say that.

And then earlier he has me on the phone, a test run he says. All vibed up, all shivering and changing the remotes as he instructs me to, listening to him describe how the events of the next day when I go to the store are going to unfold. The idea of it, his way with words, the feel of the vibrators, the desire of wanting to be watched, of wanting people to know what a slutty good little pet I am for my Master, all of it crashed together and I came.

A lot.

Hell, even Master lost count after some point.

And so there I am, exhausted, shaking, soaking wet, how I got onto my bed from having fell to my knees at the start I don't remember, and what does he say?? What comes out of that ever-loving wonderful mouth of his??

"Now that you've done all this tonight pet, there's no reason to worry about it tomorrow when you go to the book store." (Or something very similar to that).

Like I said, P-h-fucking-D in Mind Fuckery.

He's lucky I love him XD

(and he reminded me that he had in fact said he wouldn't have me do something like that without him around because of the safety issues, so derp on my part too ^^; )

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I may have mentioned this before...

I don't get how a dom's mind works. I mean, I'm glad that it works the way it does, don't get me wrong, but I don't get it. Granted I'm a pretty through and through sub - I can write about a dom, I can make assumptions and go by personal experiences, etc. - but I just don't get it.

The feel of restraints, the lack of control, the swirling mixing conflicting sensations and emotions - *shivers* - I really really like this side of it. Master's desire to make me cum until he's pretty sure I'll be too exhausted to go again certainly doesn't hurt either.

But, well, I mean the only time I get pleasure from watching someone squirm/climax/struggle/beg is because my imagination takes over and I'm in that position. Working someone to that point just seems like so much work, and I'm entirely too lazy for that much effort. I guess, from my perspective, it feels like the dom does all the work to not only work me into a frenzy, but themselves as well. I won't lie, it makes me feel incredibly selfish sometimes, even though Master's insisted repeatedly that that isn't the case.

On the one hand, I feel bad for being selfish about it (even if it's a misconception on my part), on the other hand I've never really had anyone go to such lengths to make sure that by the end of it all I was enjoying myself. So I feel spoiled, in a manner, and I'm not sure what to think about that either. In the end I usually spend quite a bit of time trying to think of ways I can spoil him in return. I'm out of shape, I don't pretty up on  regular basis, and my wardrobe is mostly thrift store and walmart, and that's usually where my mind goes when I try to think of ways to return all the wonderful things he does for me.

Even as I think this way I know it's not things I should be worried about. He's the first person to not only tell me I'm beautiful, but also to make me actually feel beautiful. Kicking the social stigma I suppose is the hard part, 10 or more years of mental abuse probably aren't helping either.


If I could just figure out how his mind works it'd be easier to spoil him. ... ... ... Hell, if I could figure out his mind works, I could figure out anyone's mind, and eventually I'd use my knowledge and new found skills to subtly and artfully take over the corporate world. While I wait for my Mentalist abilities to kick in I suppose I'll just have to settle with buying toys and outfits and just hope against hope that he gets as much pleasure out of them as I do out of him.

Monday, January 2, 2012

-:- The Tape -:- (Chapter 2)

(read Chapter 1 first if you haven't! )

Chapter 2

He sat on the edge of the bed, back to being fully clothed. She was seated on his lap, nothing but her collar and cuffs on, legs on either side of her Master's. His hands wandered over her body, touching her, teasing her, his fingers moving over her flesh with all the skill of someone who's spent hours finding all her most sensitive places. He nibbled on her neck, pinched her nipples, and basically drove her back into the frenzy she'd been in earlier.

Once she returned to being a shivering mess he hit start on the tape.

The hungry, delirious cock slut on the screen continued to cry out in muffled pleasure as her Master pounded her shivering pussy. He held onto her hips, pulling her into him, forcing his cock deeper into her tight wet cunt.  She seemed to never stop cumming from the time he first filled her up. It was the slight change in the sounds she made that was all he had to go by - differences she couldn't hear even to this day.

The rotor helped to keep her on edge even as she started to come down from her first high. He smacked her ass, pulled her hair, and let words slip into ears that were nearly as effective as the rotor for pushing her back toward that edge. He played with the plug in her ass idly as his own orgasm grew, pushing it in and out slightly, talking about the things he meant to do to her tight ass. He pushed the plug in deeply and demanded that she cum. The order almost didn't beat the action as the ropes tightened and she screamed her pleasure into the gag, her body shuddering as he filled her full of his own pleasure.

Her thanks were mumbled tiredly into the mattress as he pulled out of her, the mix of their shared pleasure slipping down her thighs as the rotor was removed from her.

On the bed his fingers had slipped between her legs, he kissed her neck, teased her clit, played with her tits. He murmured words into her ear only half understood in her haze.

"Such a sweet little slut. Dazed happy little pet getting so wet watching herself. The best is yet to come, my dear whore."

The girl on the TV was turned onto her back, the pillows were left under her hips, pushing her swollen clit out and forcing her legs wide as her body was tied back into place. She was still so lost in pleasure that she wasn't much help, but the two men working together really didn't need her assistance. The ball gag was removed, and her Master helped her to drink some water. He spoke to her kindly, making sure she was aware enough to drink without choking as knots were checked and her legs were pulled wide before being tied into place.

The wand came back into view, already purring before it was even pushed against her clit. In no time at all she went from dazed to on edge.

After it was pulled away she began to beg for it - alert and completely focused on the moment once again.

"What a greedy undeserving pet," her Master all but growled. "Spilled a drink, didn't greet all of the guests properly, and then she has the nerve to beg for another orgasm after already having cum before now. Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"I'm sorry Master, I can't help but be greedy. You make everything feel so good." She squirmed as she spoke, doing her best to look innocent.

His grin made her pale. "Interesting word choice, pet."

The snappy flog came down on her swollen sensitive clit. His hand slipped over her mouth as she screamed, the ropes pulling tight and her toes curled.  The little lash painted her legs, her stomach, her tits, he kept his hand over her mouth during his relentless assault.  He let the thread of the flog slip over her skin lightly, causing her to laugh nervously and squirm with anticipation.

He slipped the blindfold over her eyes, and her breath came in panting gasps, her body trembled without him even touching her. She jumped as the flog sliced through the air, not even touching her. He let long moments of silence slip by, only bringing the flog down on her tits or clit when she would begin to speak or beg.

He smacked her face, and gave her a simple command. "Open." was all he said before pushing the large O-ring into her mouth. It barely fit, and after too long would begin to make her jaw ache. The camera man straddled her chest, slipping his cock in past the open mouth gag.

"Show your appreciation to the camera man, pet, and your punishment will be swift." Her Master promised her as the snappy flog bit at the soles of her feet. She writhed at the sensation, but did her best, lifting her head and taking as much of the cameraman's cock into her mouth as she could. She licked and moved her head as much as she could, trying her best to pleasure someone else as her Master worked his way up her leg. She didn't need to moan, she grunted and screamed against the cock in her mouth, whimpering as the snappy flog moved closer and closer to her pussy.

"Don't look away, pet." He purred as they sat on the bed. His fingers, covered in the pleasure of her quivering cunt slipped inside her mouth. She sucked and licked them clean without needing to be told, trying to keep her eyes focused on the whore before her. He could feel her body jump slightly with every crack of the flog. Her body shivered against his, and her soft mewling sounds were adorable as she did her best to focus on the tape.

The snappy flog stopped before reaching her cunt, and instead smacked against her other foot, beginning it's slow ascent up her leg again.

"Hurry and make our good friend cum, pet, if I make it to your pussy I'm going to have to use the nipple clamps..." Her body yanked at the ropes at his words, and she began moving faster along the man's cock, trying ever harder to urge him to cum.

"She's doing pretty good for someone unable to use her lips." The cameraman mused. "Can I help her?"

"If you want, be my guest." Came the reply as the flog snapped along the backside of her knee just as the cameraman pushed himself deeper into her mouth. She yelped and choked at the same time, continuing to move along the man's shaft even as she gasped and sputtered, doing her best to make sure he understood it was okay.

The camera man sucked in a breath grabbing her hair with his free hand, fucking her throat a little harder as the flog inched ever closer to her tender clit. She felt him cum before she heard him admit to it, his warm pleasure coating her throat before he let it spill on to her face. Her tongue came out, cleaning up what she could reach. As the flog came down on her clit on the TV her Master's fingers grabbed onto it as she sat on the bed, his vice-like grip causing her to gasp, and that gasp slipped into a strangled and surprising orgasm as his cock pushed into her pussy.

The TV came to a halt as he hit the pause button and turned them both over, pressing her against the bed as her feet scrambled to find the floor and steady herself in time for him to push inside her again. He leaned over her, pinning her wrists with his hands and pressing her into the mattress.

"A quick break, my sweet little pet, before we continue."

"Yes Master <3"

(Chapter 3 coming soon! please don't kill me... )