Thursday, November 10, 2011


Once certain things had been taken care of (read that as legal obligations handled), things slipped back into a very nice and very missed routine between me and my Master.

He gave me orders to go about my normal routine, meaning to masturbate at the times I generally do anyway, but that I wasn't allowed to cum. Fortunately he didn't drag it out too long, but I had work the night he started this, and was also expected to work myself into a near frenzy during breaks.

The part that made it hard to not cum? Taking pictures to show Master I was doing as told. I knew it was more because he wanted to see, and less because he wanted actual proof (he trusts me to be horny, I know =D ). But actually taking the pictures was almost as much of a turn on as working myself up to taking them. And the one I took while in the car (thank you heavily frosted morning windows...), was the most effective by far. The drive home was a little shivery, and it had nothing to do with the cold air.

It was the phone call that followed that afternoon, during Master's break, orgasms always feel better with his commands pushing them on. We tried something new, which was using med-tape to hold the rotor in place against my clit - during an orgasm or just because I'd get so wet it was hard to keep it in place. The tape certainly helped this small problem. When his break ended (add a small pout here), he said he wanted me to call and leave him messages, and cum at least two more times for him.

And holy crap did I! I actually came three times, I don't even remember how many before that, but what really sticks in my mind is the fact that I came hard twice in quick succession, and not too long after having cum before that. It was an odd rush, and while it felt great there was a little bit of fear and panic mixed in. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on, addle-minded as I was when it happened. It left me feeling good, the negative emotions didn't last long at all, but I conked out right then and there - leaving my Master worried because I wasn't responding to any of his texts.

So no tape on the rotor until he's actually around, just to be safe. Because while mega orgasm was mega awesome, it was also a bit unnerving to have happen when it was just me in my room. Still though, I had no idea I could do something like that, or that things like that even happened xD So the learning experience was nice, and hey - if I can shotgun orgasm I'm sure I can do other things <3

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