Saturday, November 26, 2011


The last couple times Master's let me cum lately has been during times when I kind of need to be quiet. Specifically because they are other people in the house, and while I'm an adult and I'm allowed to be naughty, it's not something I'm quite ready to advertise to the entire world.

It certainly adds a layer to things though, so wet so squirmy so horny and trying so desperately to not scream my happy little head off when the wave crests and my whole body enjoys the ride. Of course, Master doesn't let me cum just once, oh no, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

For anyone curious, my house coat tastes like laundry soap. Just saying.

Even as I sit here and write this, letting my mind wander to what it can remember of the last two over the phone sessions we had, I can't help but squirm. Certain desires, certain wants, are starting to beat down the walls of my own personal insecurities. Less and less in my own fantasies do I seem to care about my own personal appearance. How I look on the outside doesn't impact my interior desires. It certainly doesn't impact the overall sensations of a scene either. The only thing my weight holds me back on are certain positions, because an over-weight sub isn't an easy one to pick up and move around as one pleases.

This will be rectified.

It used to not only be an issue when it came to what was actually physically possible, but also with what I was comfortable wearing/doing in public settings. As the days pass I find myself caring less and less about my appearance In That Regard. It's not that I mean I've stopped showering or shaving or things like that, it's more it's becoming less of an issue. So I'm over weight. Whoopie do. It used to make me feel... less, or ugly, but lately it's less well, weighty on my mind. I'm more curious the feelings and emotions that come along with being in certain, shall we say, showier situations.

Besides, the orgasm - while absolutely incredible - is just the icing on the cake. Everything else - the scene the sensations, the emotions, the connection - all that stuff's the cake. Cake can be awesome without icing. Icing on its own however is just kinda... meh.

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