Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 of 7

I won't lie, I've spent most of day spazzing over the fact that it's already Thursday. It feels like the week is flying by in some strange way that just shouldn't be happening. Isn't time supposed to drag when you're wanting it to fly by?

I wonder if this means Master's visit here will be the same as my visit there? Will time crawl by while he's here to the point that I won't be able to believe he's still for 3-4 days left? If that's the case I can't wait to move permanently >.> The secret to time control will be mine! Mwahahaha!


On a more related-to-the-blog kind of note, I don't know if I'm starting to get used to the masturbate but don't cum every hour on the hour to the point where it's not driving me insane. Or if the tingle has just melted one into the other and I'm not noticing it's stopped to feel it start again ^^; It's possible though it's come to the point where my mind's successfully ignoring it because I can't do anything about it yet and that was driving me bonkers.

Time will tell I suppose.

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