Friday, February 10, 2012

A short jaunt

Her arms are cuffed to her sides, in such a way that the random passerby probably wouldn't even notice they were actually bound to anything, but more that she just kept them near to her sides while looking around. Her skirt was probably a bit short for anyone with a sense of modesty, but it was warm outside. Her choker, at a closer inspection, was more a collar than anything else. She had pulled the leash close, helping it to blend in with her outfit a bit while she continued to look around the immediate vicinity.

A young man walked up to her, about startling her out of her skin.

"Sorry, you need help finding something?" He inquired, a look of genuine concern on his face. If he hadn't noticed the way she was actually dressed by this point he probably didn't get much about kink - or he was being polite and ignoring it while trying to help her.

Her face went red pretty quick.

"I... I'm looking for something I dropped. But it's a dark color so it's blending in with the ground."

"Well, I can help you look, what is it?"

"Oh no no, that's okay, it... it might not even be around here! I'm not sure exactly when it slipped out.."

When he looked up to inquire more about the object she could see the lights start to come on in his mind. The collar, the chains, the thigh highs that were barely concealing a remote to heaven only knew what. Pink tinged across the stranger's face enough that there was no mistaking what had dawned on him.

"Like... like I said, thanks, but I should be okay. My, uh, Master should... be back.. soon." Her face was so red at this point she couldn't even bring herself to look at the young man.

"Oh.  Ohhhhhh. That's hot." Was all the young man admitted as he started walking away. It wasn't any time at all after that that her Master caught back up with her.

Holding the black wireless egg in his hand he smiled. "The good news is, pet, that I found it. The bad news is it's too dirty to use until we can clean it off." He looked at her, the way she stood, the red on her face, and smiled knowingly. "Make a new friend, pet?"

She shook her head. "Someone just came by to try an' help Master."

"Aww, and they got close enough to see what an adorable little slut you are?"

She nodded in response, her face getting dark red again. He patted her hair and then lifted her chin with his finger, kissing her gently.

"Too bad they didn't stick around."

"Mmmm, sorry about dropping the egg, Master."

"Oh don't worry pet, you'll more than make up for it once we get back home." He assured her, giving her ass a swat before heading back to the car, leading her rather obviously, by her leash.

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