Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grumble snap snarl

So, my memory sucks. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this at least a couple times before now. I even wrote down a small list of the highlights of what happened while Master was here visiting. I've ever intention of going over them at some point.

But, when he left at first I wasn't really down in the dumps, so much as I just didn't want to think about what had happened. I didn't want the memories to exacerbate the fact that I missed him so much. And then there's this week - where I'm on my period, grumbly, moody, and just in an all around crap ass mood.

However, it kind of works out, because out of the entire vacation there was one thing that was bugging me, and this is a good time to get it out of my system.


I've done it before, years ago granted, and I've successfully gotten this delightful vibrating toy to go just about all the way in on my own many many times. But I swear every time we tried to do something while he was here it was woefully unsuccessful. Maybe it was the circumstance, or the mood at the time, given I'd always worked the toy in before getting worked up.

All the ifs, buts, maybes, and whatnots though, aren't really lessening the fact that it feels like I was reason for the "woeful" failures. At the same time though, a lot of that feeling and sentiment right now is just hormonal imbalance, and I'm sure it'll even out over another couple of days. I suppose I shouldn't complain though, if that's the only thing that went sour during the entire vacation then by all means it was a huge success, and of course Master doesn't blame me for a bit of it.

I just can't wait to move, I want the ups and downs of day to day life, not the ups and downs of getting to see someone for a week every 3-4 months. XD It'll certainly make blogging and such much easier to do on schedule.

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