Saturday, January 14, 2012

List 4 of Many

Okay, so this is most assuredly as a nerdy, geeky, gamer, whatever kind of person you prefer to be called, kind of post. Cause this is:

(drum roll)

Spells That Could Be Bad If They Were Real!

Animate Rope - Now, in the hands of a tried and practiced dom/partner/kidnapper this spell would be kinda awesome. Unfortunately the first thing that came to my mind was someone who didn't understand how certain body parts moved getting hold of this spell. Pulled muscles, sprained joints, and possibly much worse could ensue. Accidental strangulation, etc. There's just not a lot of safety when you're controlling something without having to really learn how to apply it properly.
It just strikes me as too much temptation and not enough safety. (Though, I can't help but imagine Master with this.. spell... mm... *ahem* Moving on.)

Shock - Much with Animate Rope it's lack of control that concerns me here. Someone capable of controlling the strength of the shock would be able to do deliciously evil things to the person under their control. A skilled dom could make their sub just wriggle and writhe most wonderfully - someone who didn't know what they were doing could end up defibrilllating their pet. And defibrilation when you're heart's still going is very VERY bad.

Create Water - I see two outcomes here: Either some very nice, very wet water bondage in all various forms and glory or

Mend - Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes, Fix the clothes, tear the clothes, fix the clothes, tear the clothes. (Please can we play a different game now?)

Arcane Lock - For collars, cuffs, bindings, body stockings, etc. Should work beautifully until something happens to the only person who can unlock it. Not a bad idea if say, all people involved can release whatever's locked with the spell, but as Master's pointed out - if I can't get out of something on my own it's not safe, cause you never know what can happen. (*cough*Gerald'sGame*cough*)

Sphere of Darkness - Blindfolds are one thing. Complete and total darkness from which there is no escape? That's something else entirely. If you're in a situation where you have a safe word to use, this would be fantastic <3 Especially if the person who cast it could see perfectly well within it. It'd be like Silence of the Lambs - only sexy and awesome. Otherwise it's just Silence of the Lambs and you're going to die. Not as awesome.

Polymorph - Brilliant for people who like to dress as cats, dogs, horses, etc. Disturbing for people who want to have sex with sheeps and pigs.

Summon Succubus - Thank you WoW for putting this in my mind. But no, just no. I don't care if you've got the best most ironclad control over the little slut to the point where she wouldn't even just randomly smack her ass. This would be dangerous. (and they're like femdoms... and those scare me...)

Levitate - This spell would be awesome. Weightless sex allowing for movement on all axises. Fannnnntastic <3 Probably feels really really good until you lose track of time because you're lost in all the wonder and pleasure and beauty of love making and the spell wears off.

Arcane Hand - I don't know about anyone else, but my Master does NOT need more hands.  Ever.

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