Thursday, January 19, 2012


A few things I plan to work on relatively soon:

Rope's End - A short story that could become something more about a vanilla couple trying to hide their sex lives from a bdsm-centric society. (This one should be tricky, but I thought the switch in perspective would be fun to figure out).

S & M - A fantasy setting story between two elves, a practitioner of the holy arts and one of the dark. Their own oddities and shortcomings bring them together, their shared love of bdsm keeps it that way. Snow is an albino elf with a love of books and not much understanding past them, who stumbles upon a wizard in his well guarded tower only to fall into trap - and quickly learn that the concepts of right and wrong are far blurrier than she originally thought.

A Walk in the Park - a short story (like the Tape or the Drive), something Master wants me to work on soon. The title pretty much explains it, I think. I'd probably be writing that now instead of this little to do list reminder, but I've had wine. Wine doesn't equal creative writing so well for me.

Combinations - Things from practical to absurd you could mix in with bdsm with interesting (or disastrous) results. What can I say, my mind wanders to all sorts of things.

Cartoon Hijinks! - I've noticed - probably because I'm horribly twisted and sick in the head - that there's a lot of bdsm practices and themes in little kids cartoons. Either the creators are having a laugh at everyone's expense, or I've got some serious issues to sort out.

Jump Rope - A lighthearted look at a bdsm relationship. Much humor and some slightly farfetched stuff. Was originally going to do this as a comic, but 1 - I'm not big on drawing, and 2 - I think it'll work just as well as a series of snippets and short stories.

So that's what I have planned, not counting anything that comes up out of the blue. However, wine + 3am is seemingly equal to sleep, so that's where I'm going. ^_^

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