Saturday, January 21, 2012

Too Big

Last night I realized that my bed is too big. Now on the one hand, it's big enough for two people to sleep on it in relative comfort, there's not enough room to have a lot of space between you and someone else, but too much space is kinda my problem. (in more ways than one)

Another issue about my bed that I stumbled across last night was the fact that while I can stretch my legs out fairly well, I can't get my heels to reach both side of the bed at the same time. Just one of 'em with like, and inch to go with the other. A little engineering with the sheets and I can get my legs to stay open, but it puts some strain on my hand to keep tension on the sheets.

I bring all this up because last night I had the most delightful fantasy and it would've been so much more delightful if I'da had a slightly smaller bed. I've got a great imagination, but when I'm picturing being bound in front of a group of people, teased by my Master, legs spread wide so any interested person could watch in vivid detail when I finally came loud and soaking, it helps to not actually be able to close my legs.

They do that though, the one hooked in the sheets fought my hand the whole time. Like my legs are part of some anti-separation movement or something. I think it's a large part of why I have so many fantasies of having my legs tied open wide, because that's not the way they like to go on their own. Granted any kind of tied up, so long as it's at the mercy of my Master, is awesome. I know he'd never bind me in such a way that it would hurt or cause damage. I can't even guarantee that I could tie myself up without creating some kind of issue. I'd probably use the wrong knots, or tie too tightly, or too loosely to be effective.

Thinking about it though, my fantasies are starting to have a disturbing number of "other" people in them. Or video cameras... Honestly, I'm blaming it on Master, for better or worse. <3

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