Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mind Fuckery

I'm pretty sure my Master has a PhD. in Mind Fuckery. Before I go on my little rant/rave/whatever let me preface it all by saying this:

Best. Degree. Ever.

Okay, so now that we understand I love it, let's move on shall we? The conversation starts with "Well, that *WAS* the plan." (key word highlighted by me, you're welcome). And my reaction was pretty standard well, if that was the plan, I'd love it to continue being the plan, so I will volunteer to help the plan happen!

In this case the plan being buy books on rope work so as to spend some absolutely blissful time learning knots and ropework and me just generally getting to be bound. Awesome. Delicious.

Devious rat Master.

So I volunteer - I'll happily go by said books. "So glad you volunteered, pet." and then he proceeds to explain they'll be instructions. Oh... goody. For... for in public. Yeah, cause this doesn't make me nervous at all...

So for a couple days I'm pretty thoroughly convinced that I'm going to making a trip to my favorite book store stuffed full of vibrating toys trying desperately to both NOT cum, and not let any one within ear shot hear the vibes. It's not that I wouldn't do it - I had no intention of popping off with my safety word and calling the whole thing off. But... without Master actually -there-, well, eh. I wasn't looking forward to it, we'll say that.

And then earlier he has me on the phone, a test run he says. All vibed up, all shivering and changing the remotes as he instructs me to, listening to him describe how the events of the next day when I go to the store are going to unfold. The idea of it, his way with words, the feel of the vibrators, the desire of wanting to be watched, of wanting people to know what a slutty good little pet I am for my Master, all of it crashed together and I came.

A lot.

Hell, even Master lost count after some point.

And so there I am, exhausted, shaking, soaking wet, how I got onto my bed from having fell to my knees at the start I don't remember, and what does he say?? What comes out of that ever-loving wonderful mouth of his??

"Now that you've done all this tonight pet, there's no reason to worry about it tomorrow when you go to the book store." (Or something very similar to that).

Like I said, P-h-fucking-D in Mind Fuckery.

He's lucky I love him XD

(and he reminded me that he had in fact said he wouldn't have me do something like that without him around because of the safety issues, so derp on my part too ^^; )

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