Monday, August 29, 2011


I don't know how to start this post, other than to say I can close my eyes and remember the conversation I had last night with my Master. I can see the texts, I can hear the words, his tone, inflection, rhythm. I can feel the same shiver run up my back, and the same tingle between my thighs. I can feel the warmth of being turned on physically slip against my skin. I can imagine the nigh imperceptible touch, the feel of warm breath against my neck - wanting, nearly interrupting, to beg for those passionate lips to press against the tender flesh that shivers from the whispers in my ear.

I can remember my knees shaking, nearly dropping my phone. Clenching my fists and curling my toes inside metatarsal boots, wondering if my stride was as shaky as it felt. The pleasure, the elation, the dizziness, the pounding heart, the fear as those sensations rushed up and gathered around me from all sides!

And then the order. The calm, demanding, undeniable tone that wraps me around his finger, that makes me want to do whatever I can to hear it more, to obey, to bend, to beg. The wash of pleasure that seeped through my body, even as I fought to hold back, fearful of being overheard, the gasp and whimper and the wonderful release of cumming to his voice.

I didn't believe, when he first brought up the topic of conditioning someone to orgasm on command, that such a thing was truly possible. I still don't think it could happen clear out of the blue (at least not as far as I'm concerned, I mean, I'm twisted and horny, but it's not That Bad), but I don't doubt that he could work me up to it. I've complained to my Master that I feel our relationship is one sided, that he holds all the cards in this coupling, and that I am left helpless and at his mercy. (Decidedly not complaining.) However, after having the rest of my shift at work to really think about it, perhaps this relationship is more balanced than I understand. Since maybe, just Maaaybe, I drive him to new limits and ideas just as much as he does me.

Even if I give myself too much credit in this regard, I'm glad that he is my Master, and grateful that I am his pet <3 Never in my life have I been happier, nor have I been so sated in my desires for things both kinky and not.

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