Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I HATE shopping. Despise it. Oh god the worst and most difficult thing to get me to do is go anywhere and look at clothes, accessories, furniture, cars, etc. I just don't care. Clean, functional, fine! It's perfect, let's get it and move on. Shoes? Do they fit comfortably? Alright, let's get 'em. Clothes, hell those can be baggy, don't. care.

I have had this outlook on shopping my entire life. Even when said shopping was for video games and such, I usually knew what I wanted before I even left the house and if not I could figure it out in 10 minutes. I'll admit, I'm dork and nerd enough I can spend some time looking around card huts and cosplay shacks, and especially the occasional Asian sword and clothing store. Generally though, I don't like to shop.

So last afternoon Master gets me online and we go shopping. Except I'm interested before we even start. Because this shopping, this particular variety, it is for all things non-vanilla. Now, I know some of what was bought, I might even be able to say I know half of what was bought. What I do know for sure is that as a thinly veiled belated birthday gift to me, Master dropped a hefty chunk of change. Granted, he's going to get just as much enjoyment out of this box o' goodies as I am, but still >.> I'm really excited to try some of this stuff out - or rather - have it tried out on me, and I'm well, flattered honestly. ^_^;

But now all I have to keep my mind occupied is what kind of trouble am I going to be in when we have our romp in a few weeks? What variety, what position, what magnitude? And for all that the rest of that stuff matters am I even going to be able to remember it??? Master has made me cum from his words for god's sake I'm almost afraid what he can do with accessories at hand!

I'm sure whatever happens it will be awesome. At the very least I'll be one deliriously happy cum-covered pet, and my Master will be quite proud of me <3

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