Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I could start with a lot of things for this first post, but thankfully my thoughts have been focused. Which works well, because they rarely seem to do that on there own.

I... don't really like sex. It's always seemed like a horrible chore for almost no pay off (Of course, Master has yet to get his hands on me, so I'm seeing this changing). Masturbation however, was quick, easy and felt -really- good. Also, it doesn't require anyone else - no waiting for your other half to be in the mood, or trying to *shiver* hunt down a one night stand. It's safe - you're not going to get an STD or become pregnant from masturbating. Needless to say, I'm a horny girl. I'd say horny pet, but I was horny long before I became a pet!

So I'd been up to, 2-3 orgasms a day. One to help me sleep, one to help me drag myself out of bed, and a 3rd on occasion if looking at porn or discussing all the wonderful BDSM things that are possible or just because. In hindsight, I probably should've kept this wonderful bit of information to myself - I mean, what proper upstanding young woman even admits to masturbating? Let alone so often. Once the proverbial cat was let out of the bag though, his tone of voice sure did change, and what should follow this amusing-to-him revelation? To call him, and cum for him or go to work horny and frustrated. That choice, while horribly embarrassing and not as easy to acquiesce to as I had hoped, was still fairly easy - I called him. I came so hard that my legs were shaking until about halfway through work.

Euphoric was the right word for it, believe me. I thought I'd experienced pleasure before then, but really I'd just licked the tip of the iceberg. Master, however, wasn't done. Something followed this fun new idea (I wanted to just call and fill his inbox with orgasms while he was stuck at work), that I really had no idea how to react to.

An order to masturbate, but not cum.

I'm pretty sure I dropped the f-bomb in a few creative ways. Tease myself, work up to that edge, but don't tip over it. I'd had other people mention such an idea in the past, but I'd never followed them. You had to be kidding? They wouldn't have known either way, and I wasn't particularly concerned about keeping them happy either. The idea to do as I pleased and cum anyway, never entered my mind. Oh I knew it was an option, but with Master? I'm still working on the why of it, but there's certainly something... about him. Maybe I'll figure it out someday.

Now, it's been more than 48 hours since I've cum. I've lost track of the hours, or even of how often I've worked myself up - teasing my sensitive little clit with one relentless rotor. At first I was frustrated and not entirely sure why I was being punished when I hadn't even done anything wrong as far as I knew. But once some time passed the frustration turned to something else. I still haven't cum, but I'm hornier, more sensitive. My WHOLE body is tingling and I'm not doing anything while I'm sitting here. I can't wait to call my Master, to beg and moan and plead for him to let me cum - and I'm not sure if I want to or not. I'm afraid of how hard I might cum, at the same time I'm also enjoying not cumming. I mean, won't this almost constant shiver disappear once it's sated?

I don't know yet, but whatever happens I'm sure it'll give me something else to focus on - until the jumble untangles enough I can write about it.

1 comment:

  1. I was very pleased with my pet for being such a good girl and obeying my command... and I'm very glad that she understood afterward that this was not a punishment, but an exploration.
