Wednesday, August 24, 2011

@ Work

I can orgasm quietly.

I know this. I've tested this, in a manner of speaking, every time I've ever needed to release "tension". I've been successful at it for YEARS.

Last night, however, at about 3:10am, I was the opposite of successful. I was, shall we say, UNsuccessful. For the first time my Master ordered me to cum at work - and mostly because I'd admitted to being horribly horny - and I was more than happy to obey.

I don't know why, and that's not the important part anyway, but every time it's because of him, however he decides it, it's so much stronger. And by it, I mean my orgasm.

Before now I never really subscribed to the notion of there being Levels of climax. You know, you either did or you didn't cum. Orgasms feel Good, Great even, having one in and of itself is awesome. You can't ever really complain.

Except now I can. I can complain. Making myself cum - well, it does the job, don't misunderstand me - it's okay. Being on the phone with Master, knowing he'll hear it if I leave a message, denying myself on his order and then screaming pleasure for him into the air. Those are the orgasms that leave my heart racing, my legs shake, my fingers and toes are all tingly, I'm panting leading up to it and coming down from it. I love every second of it.

If I thought I was addicted to sex before now, I may have an addiction to my Master now. ^^;

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