Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I'd really meant to wait a bit longer before posting this, but I don't see any reason to hold off. Especially given how badly I want to cum right now and how the next 48 hours are going to be INSANE.

Or at least feel that way. My body's ramped up because of Master's orders, my mind's ramped up because it's going to be about this time on Friday that I'll be in Master's arms. I'm nervous, and excited, and really looking forward to it, and really kinda scared at the same time. If I wasn't for the love and the trust I'm not sure I'd be able to overcome the other factors and actually get on the plane >.>

Masturbate 5 times a day, but don't cum. Gah! -pulls hair out-. No, that's the wrong reaction, I've gone through this before, I know what the outcome's going to be. The only thing is that I'm already so on edge. My body's shivering and I'm gasping at the slightest of sensations already. I've got two nights of work to go, and hours on an airplane. The nervous energy is just going haywire at this point. I'm bitten my nails into oblivion, I've packed and unpacked my carryon I don't know HOW many times at this point. I just know I'm going to forget something important.

And maybe I sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not - not really. I know there's a reward at the end of this, and I keep trying to focus on that. Unfortunately my mind is so much in the gutter from all this that I keep having these very vivid fantasies when I'm teasing myself. Fantasies that are just begging me to cum screaming to them. And I want to. So very badly, and yet I won't. I can't. I don't want to. I want to be able to make it until Friday, or Saturday if that's what it takes.

I don't know what all he has planned, I don't know to what extent I'll be experiencing everything, and it doesn't matter. I'm sure my imagination has things working out worse (better?) than what they will be, and that somehow that's exactly what he means to do. I'm going to be exhausted before I even get there, I just know it >.< But at the same time I'm sure it'll all work out in the end.

Now just to kick this congestion....

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