Friday, September 30, 2011


Friday, in all its glory, was exhausting, and despite that I think I only slept like 3 or 4 hours. I'm not much for sleeping at night so it wasn't too surprising. I was simply too wide awake to go back to sleep. Saturday morning started out kinda lazy for me, but once Master woke up things started to move a bit more. We had a light breakfast, and then I got pampered in the shower again <3 (I tell you, I could get used to that >.> )

However, the shower didn't end in a relaxing way, it was time to use the shower enema kit Master'd bought (and installed). My feelings on that thing were, and still kinda are, mixed. It works great for cleaning things out, and after the first time it wasn't really uncomfortable. Just... a LOT of water. The most embarrassing part was bending over in the shower, though when Master busted out the lube and started teasing me with his fingers, I wasn't really focusing on much else.

Two times of being filled with water worked well, and it wasn't too surprising, I hadn't really eaten much either over the last 24 hours or so anyway. Once everything was clean it was onto the warm soft bed, rear still in the air. Master'd bought three sizes of plugs, the things looked like they'd come in a set - the design was similar they just got bigger and bigger. He started off (obviously) with the smallest.

Smallest my. ass. That thing felt huge! And it wasn't nearly as thick as Master is, so I wasn't too surprised when my ass didn't exactly welcome his cock some time later. I don't know if more lube was needed, or if I was too nervous, or if it was a mix of things. Becoming embarrassed about something is a kind of double-edged sword with me - everything is tingly and on edge, but at the same time it's really REALLY hard to relax. I am though of the school of thought that there's no such thing as too much lube.


Fortunately I have a very patient and caring Master and when things weren't exactly going smoothly we moved onto other things, and my tensed rear end was given a reprieve. I'm not convinced I'm ever going to be able to take the biggest of those plugs, but Master seems to have faith we'll be able to work up to it ^_^ Barring that, I'm just looking forward to the day he can fill my ass without too much fuss before hand <3

Later that day was nice too, in-between the longer sessions we had begun a pattern of messing around. Cuddling and snuggling would randomly just turn into Master stripping me down and taking me in any various different ways. At one point he decided to play around with the rope he had and test out a simple rope dress. We learned two things from that - we were gonna need longer rope, and I have a rather pleasant reaction to rope against my skin. I'm not sure I could make it through an entire day wearing one of those >.> I am sure though, that at some point I'll find out one way or another ^_^;

And still, even though I had a hard time relaxing the only thing I can complain about are the nipple clamps from the day before =D Saturday was a nice day, we did run an errand or two and I think we went out to eat for at least one meal, so not the whole day was spent inside (or hey, more might've happened). Sunday was a different matter altogether though, and for lack of better way of putting it, I pretty much got what I'd "asked" for that day. <3

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