Friday, September 23, 2011


I don't think it's really hit me where I'll be, and what I'll be doing before the day's out. There's just an airplane ride between he and I and right now it still feels so long away, and soon it won't be. Things we've talked about, things planned, desired, wanted, needed, pretty soon they'll be right there in front of me.

He'll be right there in front of me.

If I could find the right words to describe everything that's going on inside my heart right now I'd be a multi-millionaire for my exceptional use of the English language.

I am, however, decidedly poor-er than that. As much as I love writing, as much as I enjoy word play, I just don't think I could find the words to properly describe it. I'm nervous, excited, happy, worried, scared, elated, jittery, calm. All rolled into one, all wondering what the day will bring. But regardless of what happens I won't have any regrets. That much I know to be true.

I just hope I don't cry ^^; I hate crying in front of people, which is a bad thing for me, as emotional and swept away as I tend to get >.> But, even if I do, I doubt it will matter.  There's trust there, and love, and past those two things I need nothing else.

On the bright side I'll have plenty to post about when I get back! XD

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